Scarecrow (Let Us Pray)

Scarecrow (Let Us Pray)

Song written & performed by NKW
Beat produced by Zeldris
Video directed by Michal A. @andryiszku & Allistair @alliztair & NKW
Filmed by Michal A.
Projections by Allistair
Edited by NKW.
Filmed at
Grabowsee Artist Residency, 2022.


Countdown Grabowsee Artist Residency
Michal A.


The Scarecrow Music video (while released in August 2023) was created in 2022 at the Grabowsee Artist Residency, Germany.

The song is one I wrote in response to the many nights I would spend working on drawings or paintings that often merged into something else; starting off based in realism, and settling somewhere in the realms of the surreal or abstract.

The song itself began as a break from painting (while my canvas dried). Before I knew it, I had something that felt more like a dream-like anthem in my hands, and I did not go to sleep that night until the song was completed.

The term "Scarecrow" refers to multiple aspects of the creative condition: The infamous Block Artists and Writers have feared for eternity. It looms, metaphorical, and attempts to scare progress away. Also, the self. At times, while sat on a chair or sofa, tiredly surveying the canvas before me, I wonder if there really is more artwork to come out or if I am simply avoiding the inevitable; the end of the painting. The conclusion of what I have begun. How many times have I become the Scarecrow I always believe is in my way?

The only way I've ever found to defeat that Scarecrow is to Pray and to Meditate in my own way; through Creation - Art, and Words. So, Let us -